Tuesday, November 10, 2009

To Live Life as if its Your Last Day is Foolish

You've heard it before... there's so many versions of it, but it gist of it is, "Live life as if there's no tomorrow."

I went by that quote for so long in my life that I never thought to analyze it. But as I sit here, thinking about what I've done and what I have, I realized I took the message oh so wrong. I don't regret anything I have done in the past, and I wouldn't change any of it, because I am who I am because of my past and experiences. But one thing I will do, is interpret it in a whole new way.

I used to seldom worry about tomorrow. I always got by doing what I do. Worrying about tomorrow seemed like a waste of time, so I constantly lived in the moment, wondering where I would get my next rush, thrill, experience. I was more worried about experiencing life to the fullest rather than preparing for it. I'm 27 years old... no money or asset to my name, no degrees, and only a handful of experiences that isn't common. What have I gained from all this? Really? Nothing much...The flaw in this way of living is that I have so many years in front of me. Yeah, I can get hit by a bus, instantly die in the next second, get shot, etc etc... but chances are, I won't. I'll live to be past 60 years old. And if I continued living the way I did, then I really wouldn't have anything to show for it the day I do die.

I still want to experience life, but in a different way, a planned way. I want to plan my experiences and get more out of it than 'that was fun', or 'what a rush?'

"Live life as if there's no tomorrow, but plan it like there is one."