Thursday, September 24, 2009

It's the Small Things in Life that Make the World Go Around... Simple Things I Appreciate

Here's a list of things that I'm thankful for and that I might take granted on a daily basis. This is a random list... not in any type of order.

Sisters - for letting me do what I need to do, accepting me for who I am, having my back regardless of what has happened in the past
Wife - listening to everything I have to say, being supportive, loving me for who I am
Extended brothers & sisters - I thought about labeling this as friends, but then again people that I actually consider to be 'friends' are so much more to me that I couldn't label them as that... I'm thankful that I have a close knit of extended family that I can rely on, people that will tell me the truth regardless of the consequences

I had this whole list set up in my mind yesterday, but I can't seem to put it in words nor really recall what I wanted to write. I should start keeping a notepad with me and start writing things down.

I wanted to go on this whole spiel about simple things in life that matter, that makes living easier (regardless if you realize it or not). Damn, my mind is going blank! Hold on... a little longer... it's on the tip of my tongue, uh, uh.... (tick, tock)... oh, i... think... i ... got... NOPE! hmmm....................

Ok, here's the gist of it... People should STOP worrying about what they don't have, or what they want, and START appreciating everything they take for granted. E.g., oxygen, life, a roof over your head, a blanket, shoes, clothes. No matter how little it may seem to you, be grateful for what you have, don't be mad at what life hasn't brought you, but be happy with what its given you. Hopefully I can gather my thoughts and make a better argument about this later on, but for now... accept this as, let's say Part I to this blog.

Oh, I remember I wanted to add my parents... no matter how much they pissed me off or messed up my childhood, I appreciate what they have done and what they are doing now. Thank you for putting my sisters and me first... for making sure we had food in our stomach, clothes on our back, a bed to sleep on, a blanket to warm up in, the list goes on and on. Me about to become a father has made me realize the sacrifices that my parents went through and are still going through for my sake. I would be lucky to have half the aspirations of parenting that my parents had and still have.